Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Audio/Video / Podcast: Pros and Cons for Adult Learners"

For this week’s blog entry, we were asked to describe the pros and cons of audio, video and podcasts for adult learners. While I have never been a regular podcast listener (I get bored too quick), I am a big proponent of including short videos in my class structure. My classes on different battles in warfare would often include short videos from movies, actual battlefield footage and interviews with soldiers who participated in the battle. The short visual diversions from lectures or discussions would usually help engage the student further.

YouTube opened a whole new world in the past generation; you can find anything and everything on the site. I learned how to completely remodeled a bathroom in my last house, including having to rip out and replace all the copper and PVC plumbing, solely by watching videos from YouTube and remodeling websites.
           Before                                                                        Post Demo
            During                                                                  Almost Finished

The reading in King and Cox (2011) made me really think about the aspects of audio in learning. Being a visual learner, I often do not think about the advantages of audio to those who learn best by listening. When I think about podcasting in education, I only thought about recording a lecture for playback later or for interviews (like you will see here on this blog in a few days – stay tuned!). Some other uses of podcasts mentioned by King (2011) include: further then lecture webcasting (cutting up the webcast into small organized pieces), FAQs, primary sources, tutorials, historical reenactments, and one that I really liked was the position podcast where a pair of students debate or dialogue targeted issues. It is basically a whole lot more then I originally thought and I foresee a lot of growth in this type of media in education over the next few years.
Let's get to the pros and cons:
- Activates the learning of those who are audio/visual learners
- Ability to access anywhere at anytime
- Ability to preserve a class/discussion for future reference
- Can add more of a personal touch then just text
- Innovative way to engage students (including student projects)
- Instructors can overuse technology
- Possibility of students losing focus if too long
- No instant feedback or interaction

I think most people will agree that the pros of audio, video and podcasts far outway the cons and in the majority of cases will certainly add to the learning of adults. What do you think?


King, K. P. (2011). Podcasting: Learning on demand and content creation. In K. King & T. Cox (Eds.), The professor's guide to taming technology: Leveraging digital media, Web 2.0, and more for learning (pp. 33-50). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.


  1. Dean,

    I am sure many of us can relate to your enthusiasm with short videos in the class structure. I have found those to be extremely helpful and more engaging than a PowerPoint or text document. When discussing podcasting, King & Cox (2011) mentioned that “faculty have a prime opportunity to appropriate an inexpensive technology to enhance teaching and learning in a new dimensions” (p. 34). This is also true for short videos, with all of the free services available. I am impressed with your bathroom remodel! It reminds me of how much I have learned from watching instructional Youtube videos for my hobbies of gardening and styling hair. Thanks for sharing!


    King, K.P., Cox, T.D., (2011). The professor’s guide to taming technology: Leveraging digital media, web 2.0 and more for learning. Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, N.C.

  2. Hi Dean!

    I agree that the pros of audio/video podcasts far outweigh the cons. I am both an audio and visual learner. Depending on the task, I prefer one method over the other. For instance, I find that intellectually stimulating material (think philosophical theories) are absorbed better aurally while taking notes. On the other hand, I learn physical tasks (like laying my floating wood floors) better by watching someone else do it.

    I also agree with your lists of pros and cons. Specifically, I believe (as I also wrote in response to Sonora's post) that too much of a good thing is still to much. For the sake of not repeating the entire response, I will stop there. If you are interested in reading my rant, you can find it at

    Great post!

  3. Dean you opened my mind to the greater possibilities for podcasting. I will now have to reread this section in King & Cox. It will be interesting to see if the Canadian Forces start making better use of podcasting. I would be curious to know whether the US Army, Navy , etc have instructors who are comfortable doing such things. I find the problem at Canadian TEs are the instructors are posted in for just two years with little instructing experience; they tend to be SMEs. Currently one of the projects I helping to develop is looking at instituting CF wide instructor development courses. Things like podcasting are not even on the radar. I will have to keep this in mind and try and remedy this.

    Good pro and con section and good use of your own experience (the bathroom reno). That actually really impresses me that the podcasts are that good on YouTube that someone can follow them to do this. I am behind the times.

  4. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.

  5. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.

  6. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.

  7. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.

  8. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.

  9. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.

  10. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.

  11. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.

  12. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.
